October 20, 2015

DIY: Scratch Tickets

I found a tutorial on how to make your own scratch tickets on this blog a while ago and I decided that I would give it a shot! I used it as a promotional tool for the shop and it was a lot of fun… I’m always on the lookout for new and unique ideas to incorporate into my business. This would also be really neat to do with kiddos… maybe a reward system or something? I’ll let you know when our gal is old enough!

What you’ll need:

  • Dish Soap
  • Silver acrylic paint
  • Contact paper
  • Glue/Adhesive
  • Lottery tickets pre-printed on cardstock

First, I cut all of the tickets apart and cut decorative paper to fit on the back. Next I cut the contact paper into small squares to cover the prizes.

After everything is cut, glue the tickets onto the decorative backing. This obviously is optional, but I think it makes them look pretty. After gluing the backing on, place the small squares of contact paper over the prizes. This will be the area you’ll paint.

To mix the paint, use 2 parts paint and 1 part dishwashing liquid. Mix well.

Paint only over the contact paper…

Let it dry… it takes a few hours, but I just let them dry overnight. If you can still see the prize through the paint, you may need another layer. When all is dry, scratch with a coin to see your prize!